Visual Studio Code is a source code editor. It is extensible, free, open-source, and cross-platform. It owes much of its success to its active community of extension developers. Whenever it lacks a certain feature, there is usually an extension to fix that shortcoming. Its out-of-the-box Markdown support includes:

  • CommonMark support
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Preview
  • Autocompletion
  • Themes
  • Code style

It does not support WYSIWIG editing. While Visual Studio Code does not come with out-of-the-box ability to export Markdown to any other formats, it can copy Markdown code with syntax coloring intact.

Visual Studio Code

Markdown extensions available in the Visual Studio marketplace extend it with the following features:

  • Extended syntax (e.g. “Markdown Extended”)
  • Markdown code formatting (e.g. “Prettier - Code formatter”)
  • Exporting to other formats (e.g. “Markdown Preview Enhanced”)
  • UI elements (e.g. “Markdown Shortcuts”)
  • Extended markdown syntax highlighting (e.g. “One Dark Pro”)
  • Linting (e.g. “markdownlint”) – It is a feature for developers but a huge annoyance for ordinary writers
  • Style-compliance kits for different services (e.g. “Docs Authoring Pack” for Microsoft Docs)
  • Spelling check (e.g. “Code Spell Checker”)

Visual Studio Code, with Markdown Preview Enhanced, Markdownlint, and One Dark Pro

VS Code Markdown 支持

VS Code provides support for the following Markdown elements.

Element Support Notes
标题 支持
段落 支持
换行符 支持
粗体 支持
斜体 支持
块引用 支持
有序列表 支持
无序列表 支持
代码块 支持
水平分隔符 支持
链接 支持
图片 支持 Image display in preview is subject to content security policy, adjustable from the drop-down menu to the top-right
表格 支持
围栏代码块 支持
语法高亮 支持
脚注 部分支持 In code editor only. Comprehensive support requires the Markdown Preview Enhanced extension.
标题 ID 部分支持 Does not support custom IDs. Comprehensive support requires the Markdown Preview Enhanced extension.
定义列表 部分支持 Requires the Markdown Preview Enhanced extension.
删除线 部分支持 Two tildes (~~word~~) only.
任务列表 部分支持 One of the many readily available extensions can add this feature, e.g. Markdown Preview Enhanced.
Emoji (复制和粘贴) 支持
Emoji (简码) 部分支持 Requires the Markdown Preview Enhanced extension.
强调 不支持
下标 不支持
上标 不支持
Automatic URL Linking 支持
Disabling Automatic URL Linking 支持


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