Supernotes is a fast note-taking app available on Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, and the web. The app encourages you to break down your information into short-form notecards. This helps you to connect your knowledge together in a more flexible way – each notecard is taggable, nestable, linkable, and shareable. You can view your cards in a handful of different ways: as a List, as a grid in Broadsheet view, or as nodes in the Graph view.

Along with extended Markdown support, Supernotes supports LaTeX equations and advanced editing features such as multiple cursor support and an assortment of handy keybindings. Supernotes is a web-first application, with an emphasis on fast syncing between devices and effortless sharing between users. On Supernotes your data is always encrypted in transit (forced TLS) and encrypted at rest (AES-256).

One of the biggest benefits of Supernotes is the community. The co-founders are very active on the Community Forum, where users suggest new feature ideas, report bugs and share workflows. The co-founders also run free Onboarding sessions to help new users get started with Supernotes.

All of the Supernotes features come included on the free Starter plan. On the Starter plan you start with 40 cards, but you can refer friends or upgrade to the Unlimited plan for more features. Supernotes is a small independent startup, built by a team of two, and the subscription goes towards supporting them and the development of the platform.

Supernotes Markdown application

Supernotes Markdown 支持

Supernotes provides support for the following Markdown elements.

Element Support Notes
标题 支持
段落 支持
换行符 支持
粗体 支持
斜体 支持
块引用 支持
有序列表 支持
无序列表 支持
代码块 支持
水平分隔符 支持
链接 支持
图片 支持
表格 支持
围栏代码块 支持
语法高亮 支持
脚注 支持
标题 ID 不支持
定义列表 不支持
删除线 支持
任务列表 支持
Emoji (复制和粘贴) 支持
Emoji (简码) 支持
强调 支持
下标 支持
上标 支持
Automatic URL Linking 支持
Disabling Automatic URL Linking 支持
HTML 部分支持 Some tags, such as <script>, are not supported.

Support for Additional Syntax Elements

As an added bonus, Supernotes provides support for several obscure elements.

Element Markdown 渲染输出
Spoilers !!This text is blurred on render!! This text is blurred on render
Embedabble Videos @[youtube](F7puJIw0k-w)
The Youtube video embedded in an iframe.
The Vimeo video embedded in an iframe.


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