Markdeep is a free and simple tool that turns any Markdown file into a self-contained HTML file that can be viewed in a web browser. There’s nothing to install and there’s no service to register for — you simply add one line of code to the bottom of your Markdown file. This is a great option if you need to quickly view a Markdown file in a web browser or share a Markdown file with someone who needs to view the 渲染输出.

Using Markdeep is a three-part process:

  1. Add the following tag for Markdeep on a single line at the bottom of a Markdown file.

    <!-- Markdeep: --><style class="fallback">body{visibility:hidden;white-space:pre;font-family:monospace}</style><script src="markdeep.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script><script src="" charset="utf-8"></script><script>window.alreadyProcessedMarkdeep||("visible")</script>

  2. Rename the Markdown file to add the .md.html extension (i.e.,
  3. Open the file in a web browser to see the 渲染输出.

This tool has a lot of features beyond what’s described here. For example, you can choose from a variety of templates to customize the look of your page. Markdeep also supports diagrams, LaTeX typesetting for equations, and much more. Check out the excellent documentation for the full details.

Markdeep Markdown 支持

Markdeep provides support for the following Markdown elements.

Element Support Notes
标题 支持
段落 支持
换行符 不支持
粗体 部分支持 Asterisks in the middle of a word (i.e., in**middle**here) are rendered literally.
斜体 部分支持 Asterisks in the middle of a word (i.e., in*middle*here) are rendered literally.
块引用 支持
有序列表 支持
无序列表 支持
代码块 支持
水平分隔符 支持
链接 支持
图片 支持
表格 支持
围栏代码块 支持
语法高亮 支持
脚注 支持
标题 ID 不支持
定义列表 支持
删除线 支持
任务列表 支持
Emoji (复制和粘贴) 未知
Emoji (简码) 未知
强调 不支持
下标 不支持
上标 不支持
Automatic URL Linking 支持
Disabling Automatic URL Linking 支持
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