Dendron is an open source Markdown note-taking tool built on top of VS Code. If you already have VS Code installed on your computer, you can install the Dendron extension to get started. The Dendron extension is free to use. Paid options are available for those who need hosted publishing and priority support options.

Dendron is clearly intended for a developer audience. The tool requires prerequisite knowledge of VS Code, and most people will likely need to spend some time reading the documentation, exploring the features, and mastering the keyboard shortcuts. The biggest selling point for Dendron users might be that the tool is in VS Code. Similar tools like Obsidian are in separate, standalone applications — they may have fewer features, but they also have a lower barrier to entry.

Dendron Markdown application

Dendron Markdown 支持

Dendron provides support for the following Markdown elements.

Element Support Notes
标题 支持
段落 支持
换行符 支持
粗体 支持
斜体 支持
块引用 支持
有序列表 支持
无序列表 支持
代码块 支持
水平分隔符 支持
链接 支持 You can link to other notes in Dendron by using the [[Link name|filename]] syntax.
图片 支持
表格 支持
围栏代码块 支持
语法高亮 支持
脚注 支持
标题 ID 支持
定义列表 支持
删除线 支持
任务列表 支持
Emoji (复制和粘贴) 支持
Emoji (简码) 支持
强调 支持
下标 支持
上标 支持
Automatic URL Linking 支持
Disabling Automatic URL Linking 支持

Support for Additional Syntax Elements

As an added bonus, Dendron provides support for several obscure elements.

Element Markdown 渲染输出
Abbreviation *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.


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